Single On Valentine's Day
"For I know the plans I have for you”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“plans for your well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." - Jeremiah 29:11 (CSB)
Hey Glam Fam!
It's my belief that single people are probably the group that's most keenly aware when Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Oh, trust me! I think we are the very first group to notice when the Christmas decorations go on sale and those Valentine's Day hearts start sliding into the Target bins at the front of the store like a thirsty dude sliding into the DMs. Oh, we take notice and we start planning.
But what, pray tell, do us single souls start planning for weeks before Valentine's Day? The posts on Instagram and Facebook? The hordes of flowers and chocolates that will be delivered to co-workers? Our co-worker's desk that will be decorated by an over enthusiastic boyfriend or husband?
Actually, I would argue that thing we prepare for the most is the onslaught of questions and comments from well meaning loved ones about when we're going to "get out there and find a man". Or the unsolicited, "Don't worry, honey. Everything will happen in God's timing".
Well, I wasn't worried until you said that, Linda. I was actually sharing chocolates with my friend whose husband still sends her gifts after 35 years of marriage. I was actually celebrating with my co-worker who just received the most beautiful red roses from her brand new boyfriend. That's what happens when you know the plans that God has for your life and have accepted that it may look a little different from the typical experience.
You see, the truth is, there are some single people, like me, who are actually HAPPY for their friends that receive romantic gifts on Valentine's Day. Yes, there are actually some of us single people who aren't bitter about romance. Instead, we actually enjoy seeing other people receive gifts. There are some of us who actually decorate our houses for Valentine's Day and still give out cheesy Valentines to parents, siblings, friends and clients. We're not bitter. We're hopeful.
I'm single. I'm also 36-years-old. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a few questions about this current situation (LOL!). However, I know there's a purpose to this place in my life. There's a purpose to the season that I'm in right now. And when questions begin to swirl around my heart and my mind, I find my way to the Lord and submit all of my questions to Him in prayer.
A while ago, the Lord had to show me that life is more than being married and having children. Although I want both of those things, there are other things in life that He's also designed me to do. It's not that marriage and kids don't have purpose. They absolutely do! However, it's important for me to keep things in perspective so those things don't become idols in my life.
So, don't pity the single person in your life on Valentine's Day. Instead, pass us one of those chocolate covered strawberries that Brian sent you because single people get hungry too!
Oh, and my outfit in this picture is from Versona. The red blazer is PERFECT for showin' off your single swagger at the office while you walk around getting free chocolates. ;)
Happy Valentine's Day!
'Til next time...
Stay Healthy & Glamorous,
Eboneé Marie